How To Know When You Need New Siding
ShareWhen you are a homeowner, it is important to keep track of many things in and on your home. The siding is one of those elements of your home that you need to keep an eye on to ensure it is in good shape. The siding helps to protect and insulate your home and has a major impact on your energy bills. Get to know some of the ways you can tell that your siding needs to be replaced. Then, if you notice any of these signs of trouble, you can contact a siding contractor and get your new siding installation done as soon as possible.
Your Siding Is Warped
One of the signs that your siding needs to be replaced is warping. If you notice that your siding is bowing out anywhere or that the panels of siding do not look straight and crisply aligned, you likely have an issue.
When siding bows out, water can get down under the siding panels causing damage to the structure underneath. This bowing can also affect the energy efficiency of your home as it lets hot and cold air into your home more easily.
Your Siding Is Cracked
Cracked siding is another sign that your siding needs to be replaced. Cracking can happen with age or can happen after a major storm or impact.
If only one panel is cracked, you can usually just replace it. However, if you have multiple cracked and damaged panels in your siding, it will be more cost-effective to replace your siding than to try to repair all of those different panels.
Your Energy Bills Have Gone Up
As previously mentioned, your siding has a major impact on the energy efficiency of your home. Because of this, if your energy bills have suddenly or steadily gone up for no apparent reason, you may have a siding issue.
Replacing your siding with new materials can help to ensure that your home is as protected from the elements as possible, and you can be sure that your energy bills are as low as possible.
Your Siding Is Old
Depending on the material of your siding, it can last anywhere from 15 to 50 years. If you have wood or vinyl siding, for example, it can last up to 40 years before it becomes quite ineffective. If your house is older and has the same siding from when it was built, you should consider replacing it. You will be surprised at how much new siding improves the functionality and the appearance of your home.
Knowing these signs you need new siding, you can contact a siding contractor for new siding installation as soon as possible if these issues are affecting your home