How Involved Is A Steel Building Repair Project Likely To Be?

27 May 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


Steel building repair is inevitable with many types of structures. If you're preparing to hire a contractor to fix such a building, though, you'll likely have questions about how involved the process will be. Unsurprisingly, this varies. However, you can look at four factors and get a sense of what the job might be like.


Rust can lead to significant deterioration. Even if it appears to just be surface rust, you should err on the side of caution. This is particularly true when it comes to structural elements like beams and trusses. Short of X-raying components, you can't tell for sure whether the damage goes deeper than the surface.

Understandably, the job tends to get more involved when steel building damage repair needs include structural elements. If you only have to clean up the walls, roof, or other sheeted areas, you won't have to worry as much about shoring things up.


Generally, more modular designs will be easier to repair. Even if a section appears to have severely deteriorated, you will usually find it easier to deal with because the problems will be compartmentalized. If there is widespread damage, you may still be able to fix the affected areas one at a time.

Typically moving parts are more compartmentalized. Doors, for example, are usually easy to replace as long as the areas around the frames are still in good shape. The same goes for windows and shutters.


Many parts of the structure may be good candidates for welding. Even if the location is damaged to the point you can simply weld over a hole or seam, a contractor may still be able to weld a patch on the structure.

This can be challenging if there's deterioration around supporting elements, though. A steel building repair contractor will usually not want to weld if it ends up creating a weak point that could risk later damage to the entire structure.

Bends and Dents

Whenever something is bent or dented on a steel building, a lot depends on how much load it has to hold. For example, you probably don't want to hold off on replacing a section of roof that's dented enough to allow water to pool because it could be even worse if ice or snow collects in it. Damage to support beams should lead to the presumption of replacement, too. However, contractors can often hammer out many bends and dents in non-supporting areas.

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